macular degeneration

Age Related Macular Degeneration

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a Leading Cause Of Vision Loss In Patients Over The Age Of 50. At its Earliest Stage, A Patient May Experience No Symptoms. AMD Can Progress Painlessly And Seriously Damage One’s Vision.

AMD affects the macula area, which is the most color/shape/motion sensitive area of the retina. The macula is responsible for sharp central vision, so when it is damaged, a patient may have difficulty reading and recognizing faces.
While it often progresses without symptoms, there are some early warning signs of AMD:

Dr Xu has published numerous peer-reviewed articles in leading ophthalmology journals on age-related macular degeneration. See the list here.

Factors which increase your risk of developing the condition:
Based on the above risk factors, smoking cessation, plenty of exercise, and an overall healthy lifestyle can help prevent AMD.
Investing in a good pair of sunglasses to block out UV light can protect your eyes from a range of conditions too, not the least of which is AMD.
Types Of AMD
1. Dry (Atrophic) AMD: Associated with drusen deposits, dry AMD occurs as part of the natural aging process, develops slowly without early symptoms, and generally affects both eyes.
1. Wet (Exudative) AMD: Wet AMD occurs when weak blood vessels break and leak blood or fluid into the retina. This leakage can lead to rapid central vision loss, making wet AMD a medical emergency.
When dry AMD develops, vitamins following the AREDS2 formulation have been shown to slow down progression.

Wet AMD can be treated by injections that arrest the development of abnormal blood vessels in the eyes.